and I don't feel any different

since January is nearly over, I guess it's about time I did a new year's post. yeah, that seems about right.

new year's eve was pretty low key this year, but still very very fun! got together with good friends at a party, played boardgames which induced much drunken shouting, and safely(ish) set off some small fireworks at midnight. your typical small-town ringin' in.

me & Janet havin' a larf.
Brandon got to practice some physio, and Ev got a massage!
lovely faces on the boys.
party peoples // blurry friend love

there aren't many pictures for two reasons; one, almost all of them were blurry anyhow, and two, I don't see the need of plastering this blog with photos of people you don't know and whom I only get to see once a year, usually. seemed unnecessary and probably uninteresting pour vous. 

I guess this is where I'm supposed to make some resolutions to try and stick to in the coming year, but really I'm not all that good at seeing things through. not a great quality to have, but I'm a hummingbird. I just flit from one thing to the next without much sense of achievement. so I never make resolutions. 

I do, however, have a sort of 2012 bucket list. not really resolutions of things to finish or do, like lose weight or play guitar everyday or learn how to bake or something. just things I want to do in the next year that are things to look forward to, and things I can look back on and be glad this year meant something. 

maybe that's a resolution, I don't know. 

so (in no particular order) here's the list:
1. go to a new continent. before 2012 ends I want to have visited either Asia or South America or Australia. the goal is to go to six before, well, death. I've got three down. one this year will do.

2. read one book every month. it's kind of depressing that I'm making that my minimum. I used to read one novel a week. ironically English degrees can suck a love of literature right outta ya.

3. get published again. it probably won't look good to hand out portfolios with the most recent published article dated 2010. 

4. make a new friend. cheesy, but nice. just one new, good friend. so I can write down the process and remember it for next time.

5. start really listening to music again. I used to be obsessed with music. I know everyone says that, but lying on the couch, listening to my ipod and doing nothing else, for two hours was a daily activity for me. now I have so many albums I want to listen to that it overwhelms me and I just end up listening to all my old stuff again. musical reeducation starts now.

well, it's a short list. maybe I'll add to it as ideas come to me. but I'm already a month behind, so maybe I'd better focus on those five for now...

happy new year!

playing: new year- death cab for cutie

1 comment:

Aya Smith said...

Those seem like perfect resolutions to me! I have a pretty heavy-duty list of resolutions myself... here's hoping to get at least one half-way accomplished! LOL!

Aya ♥ Strawberry Koi