the season to be jolly

with all the franticness of the Christmas season I didn't really get to do all the holiday things I wanted. but Brando and I did take a nice stroll around Central Park! even though there was no snow it still felt like Christmas...especially when we walked down Fifth Avenue later and looked at all the fancy window displays; Bergdorf's certainly knows how to make a gal swoon. 

shirt- Urban Outfitters // skirt- Modcloth // sparkly belt- Smart Set // scarf- American Apparel // coat- Suzy Shier (old!) // boots- Aldo

not only was there no snow, but it really wasn't all that cold either. I had no qualms shedding my coat to snap a few pics of my festive-ish outfit. 
it's not bright red or trimmed in velvet or anything, but I like the subtle wintery feel. over the holidays I tend to gravitate towards jewel tones and demure pieces; peter pan collars, sparkly accessories, airy fabrics mixed with cozy textures. that kind of thing. and even though Christmas day is past I think these little points really brighten a winter wardrobe.
and it also really helps to have the perfect forest green midi...  


Brando and I are very happy with our Brooklyn holidays so far! we've been enjoying our time off, spending lots of time with friends and indulging our vices- if you can't pig out on fried food and whiskey at Christmastime, then when can you?- and relaxing. 

I'm a relaxing pro right now. my bed and I are becoming reacquainted, and my cat now thinks I'm a stay-at-home mom. we're all very copacetic. 
yeah, I busted that one out. 

2014, going out with a bang!

merry & bright

a very merry Christmas to you all! 

it was mine and Brando's first one on our own, but it certainly didn't feel lonely. we spent the entire morning FaceTime-ing with our families and opening the most incredibly thoughtful gifts from loved ones near and far. in the evening our little NYC family joined us for a Newfie Christmas dinner! we felt so loved and so lucky. ♥

 here is a little video I put together of us being weirdos and opening our presents on Christmas morning. because video instead of photos leaves hands free to tear apart wrapping paper like a maniac!

hope your holiday was -and continues to be- merry & bright!

Christmastime is here again

you guys, it's almost heeeere!


it's Christmas Eve- Eve, or as we like to call it in Newfie-land, Tibb's Eve! one of the best days of the year, in my humble (yet glaringly obvious) opinion. 

I'm spending it lying on my amazingly soft living room rug (seriously, Ikea, is this made of baby Koala fur?! don't tell me, because I would still love it.), listening to Bing Crosby's Christmas record, and doing nothing except marvel at Christmas lights & how incredibly blessed I am. 

and later Imma have a glass or two of wine, because it wouldn't be Tibb's Eve without a little imbibe, don't ya know. 

dress- American Eagle // shirt- Walmart // boots- Seychelles via Modcloth // gold belt- Smart Set

every year Christmas seems to come a little quicker. 
am I getting old? of course not. silly question. 
but I do tend to notice at the last minute- when all important things get noticed- that my holiday outfit selection is rather slim! but that's ok. I quite like a challenge once in a while. and trying to dress "Christmasy" without snowflake prints or an abundance of red items can kind of be considered a challenge.
one that I met with a plaid-and-lace combo that I've been rockin' all week. and red lipstick. always. 


Merry almost Christmas from a couple of excited, over-grown children!
(that's us.)

the hap-happiest season of all

it's that time of year again!
the most wonderful time, obviously, but also probably the busiest time. I believe the term "hustle and bustle" has been thrown about.

I've been giving myself a break on the whole "MUST BLOG SO MUCH" attitude based on the fact that time is basically a vacuum in December and I've been too tired to function. when I'm not passing out on my amazing new Ikea rug (surrounded by tangled ribbon and rolls of wrapping paper), I'm off trying to soak up all the Christmasy goodness the Big Apple has to offer.

Christmasy goodness exhibit A: the Rockefeller Christmas tree.


isn't it the most beautifulest thing you ever sawed?!
I keep expecting Kevin's mom to show up and hug me. why she would hug me, when I am not Kevin, I'm not sure, but the holiday brain works in mysterious ways.

I can't believe we are in the single digits! only nine days to Christmas, b'ys. it's gettin' hella merry and bright up in here.

little bit of this, little bit of that

you guys, it's December!
December. the happiest month of them all!

although you'd never guess it was "let it snow" season with the mild weather here. and no, I'm not complaining. it's just weird to go outside in December wearing only a light sweater.

well...and bottoms, of course. and shoes and stuff. I'm not a total nutbag.

skirt- Zara // top- H&M // jacket- Modcloth // scarf- American Apparel // sunglasses- Urban Outfitters

I call this outfit "season confusion" because it looks like springtime and feels like fall. 
this scarf is majorly cozy. 
this may be the last of my flowery pastels for a while, because now it's time to dress for Christmas! so winter, even if it isn't. quite. yet. is it winter? I know technically winter is on Dec. 21st, but come on. December should be winter.
are you guys ready for this?  


hey, who's that totally cool chick with the heart-shaped glasses?
oh, I dunno. just someone. 

23 short days till Christmas! can you believe it? I've already got most of my shopping and gift-wrapping done; that's what happens when you have to mail everything to a different country. but I feel like that just spreads out the holiday cheer a little longer! this Christmas might be the chillest one yet. 

tomorrow, though, will probably be crazy. we're going to check out the tree lighting at Rockefeller Centre. crowds much? 
my goal is to get out of there without punching a child in the face. 
those little buggers hog all the Christmasy goodness. 
it's not my fault I'm 27. time is a cruel mistress. 

thank you for being a friend!

happy Thanksgiving, y'all!

hope you are having a wonderful day spent with the ones you are most grateful for. ♥

I will be spending it with the most incredible family that has graciously taken us in and consented to teach us silly Canadians the ways of their country. 
that country being Peru, of course. 
I'm thankful for empanadas. 

dress- gift // shirt- Urban Outfitters // boots- fr. a Calgary cowboy shop, of course // bag- Aldo

other things I'm thankful for on this happy holiday: teal cowboy boots, peter pan collars, and the fact that my bangs do not always look this disheveled. 

...again, happy turkey day! 

the most wonderful time of the year


I'm so excited I can't stand it.
this will be my first Christmas away from Newfoundland, ever. I know it's going to be hard being away from my friends and family- especially for the morning of- but I'm kind of looking forward to our very first Christmas in New York! there are so many things I want to do; see the Rockefeller tree lighting, go skating in Central Park, maybe even see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular! it's gonna be a merry New York Christmas.

I thought one month before the big day was good timing to post my Christmas list. it's a little late this year, and most people already have my present by now... but it's always fun to make a wish list! besides, I also have an expertly-curated Modcloth Christmas list, and they're having a ginormous sale starting tomorrow. so if you aren't getting me anything, you can at least score some sweet holiday swag for yourself.

1. a funny, comfy t-shirt. this one cracks me up. ♥ //Modcloth.
2. Urban Decay Vice Palette 3. it's got a whole column of reds! so cool. //Sephora.
3. purple velvet. now that winter's arrived I'm craving a wardrobe made entirely of velvet. purple is just so luxurious. //Modcloth.
4. a cropped blazer. if I can't have a cropped white tuxedo blazer, a plain white one will do. //Modcloth.
5. cookbooks. there are a couple that seem perfect for me (I also like One Pan, Two Plates) but the sriracha is at the top of my list. //Amazon. 
6. a party skirt. nothing brightens up the holiday season like teal sequins! //H&M.
7. a red sweater. this one incorporates two wardrobe faves; red and lace. //H&M.
8. a vintage dress. like this one, or the many others on my Etsy wish list. //Hollie Point.
9. black lace-up boots. comfy & cute! and the perfect winter staple. //Modcloth.
10. Broadway tickets. I would love to see anything! Cabaret with Emma Stone is probably my most pined-for at the moment. but there is plethora of shows I am aching to see. a plethora, I tell you!

I said "Christmas" so much in this post. :)

Mr. Goulding goes to Washington

a couple of weeks ago we went on a little trip for Brandon's birthday weekend. Brando can never really decide what he wants to do for his birthday celebrations; he's a fairly stoic fellow and doesn't go wild for the party life or anything like that. (he doesn't even like cake. I KNOW.) so instead we planned a little vacation to see his/our current favourite comedian in Washington, DC. 

it's not that far from NYC, and we were both itching to do a little exploring, so we rented a car a drove down for the show. Mike Birbiglia was amazing; if you haven't seen My Girlfriend's Boyfriend then you really need to, right now. do it now. the show was so much fun, and we even got an autograph and acted like huge dorks. and obviously because it wasn't a two-day event, we had time to do a little sightseeing. 

I'm not usually one to stand in awe of statues or sculptures, but not gonna lie, I was pretty excited to say hello to Mr. Lincoln.


this is our only picture together the entire weekend! (well, except for instagram selfies. which of course don't count.)

one of the (many) pleasant things about taking a little trip is that it gives me an excuse to stretch my photography muscles. I mean, I'm no superstar, skill-wise, and my equipment is standard fair, but it's nice to have new subjects and inspiration. aka I'm sick of taking pictures of myself. 
I loved all the monuments and attractions and the gorgeous weather. DC has so many things to photograph!


on day two of our visit- Brando's legit birthday- we had the arduous task of choosing only one Smithsonian museum to visit. the birthday boy chose the National Air & Space museum, and we are so very glad he did. (that's the royal we, fyi.)

it was amazeballs. I saw a real spacesuit that was worn on the moon- complete with moon dust-, the Wright Brothers' first plane, and the plane Charles Lindbergh flew across the Atlantic in. we're giant geeks and were completely mesmerized. (that's not the royal we, that's the two-people we.)

(click for more photos!)

hello, it's me again!

well, there go two weeks of my life! woosh!
it's been a while since I've visited the ol' blogosphere. how've you all been?

this long break from blogging was unintentional, but kind of necessary. these past two weeks have been insanely hectic, with birthdays and visitors and new routines, and I needed (and possibly still need) some time to get back in the swing of things. when all is said and done, sleep and real life win out over the internet!
I know, I know, what am I saying. I can hardly believe it myself. I've become a person who goes to bed before midnight and makes responsible, time-conscious decisions. and they said I'd never grow up!


before all this craziness, NYC still hadn't made up its mind on whether autumn should turn into summer or winter; one day it was cozy scarf weather, the next it was too warm for a jacket. it has since decided and winter is the verdict. the cold has come to stay. this outfit was one for those unseasonably warm autumn days, when the only element I had to contend with was the fickle wind. short sleeves in October, what even??

shirt- Modcloth // skirt- Bettie Page // tights- HUE // flats- H&M // bag- vintage

not the most striking photos, but it's something. beats two weeks of silence, right? RIGHT???

not to fret- I've been planning lots of fun things for you while on hiatus. Brando and I went to Washington, DC for the first time to celebrate his birthday, and the pictures are glorious (if I do say so myself!). and with the holiday season fast approaching you just know I'm planning to shamelessly bombard you with all things Christmas. it's what I do. you'll love it.

so stay tuned ladies and gents! (are there gents reading this? for that matter, are there ladies? don't leave me!)