due South

well, it's been a very busy weekend!
between work and play and a few side projects....

this saturday fellow blogger friend Caitlin and I had a vintage and used clothing sale. it was a whole lot of work to pull off, but it went very well! we had a nice turnout, people seemed to really enjoy it, and it was fun! I had every intention of bringing my camera along and sharing photos with you today, but of course in all the hustle and bustle and foggy 6am brain, I forgot.
so instead, here's the next lot of photos from our roadtrip!

next stop, Louisville, Kentucky!

it was kind of an unexpected stopover, but what a fantastic city! it was definitely our favourite part of the trip. and how exactly did we end up so far out of the way of our cross-Canada route? well I'll tell you.

for my birthday, Brandon ingeniously got me tickets to see the Eagles here in Newfoundland. they've been one of my favourite bands since I was a kid! I was excited to go, but then Caitlin and I had a last minute schedule change for the road trip. I didn't want to miss the trip, but I didn't want to miss the Eagles either... so we looked up where else on the way (relatively!) they were playing and thought hey, wouldn't it be hilarious and awesome to see them in Kentucky?

long story short I sold my tickets in Newfoundland and we bought Eagles tickets for the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville!

it was an incredible city. 
if you've never been to Louisville, you have to go. you might think (like we did) "what the heck is there to do in Louisville?" but the answer is: SO MUCH. 

we saw the Eagles on the first night we arrived, and they were AMAZING. I was soooo happy. on day two, we went searching for Colonel Sanders' grave and visited the Louisville Slugger museum and factory. and day three was even more fun-packed!
there are great museums, city tours, historical sites, and amazing restaurants. we had so much fun there I can't even explain how vibrant and friendly and interesting it is. so just go. 

I'll have more Louisville pictures in the next couple days.
till then, have a good one! y'all come back now, ya hear?
(sorry, couldn't resist with the southern vibe...)
love love!

1. officially entering "the South."
2. Sarah & Caitlin go to White Castle!
3. the hilariously named local stadium where I finally saw the Eagles.
4. a statue in Cave Hill Cemetery
5. a Kentucky standard.
6. the Colonel himself!
7. a quaint and pleasant gravestone.
8. the world's largest baseball bat at the Louisville Slugger museum.
9. what a Babe!
10. those lady ball players sure looked snazzy.
11. striking a pose with Mickey Mantle's real bat.

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