bye bye, Montreal

hello again, friends!
two posts in a row? this is a bit of a roll for me!

Caitlin and I got back from our epic road trip over a month ago, but I'm sure you're all still dying to know more about it...

well, you're in luck! because I have right here a few photos from our too-brief stay in Montreal.
except, well... they're all of me.

hrrrrmmm, yes....

this is the outfit I wore for my first ever day in the beautiful Montreal!

we spent most of the day just walking around and exploring, stopping often to drink coffee and eat snacks. we are very big on the snacks. and the beer. and the snacks... you get the picture. 

our visit landed us in the middle of the Jazz Festival, so there were lots of fun sights and sounds to take in!

skirt- modcloth // shirt- smart set // purse- american eagle

this skirt has quickly become one of my favourites. I always get compliments when I wear it, and I love that the colourful pattern makes it go with almost anything. it makes me feel instantly stylish, which is what made it the perfect wardrobe choice for wandering this stylish city!

I want to say that I'll share more Montreal photos soon... but let's face it, Sarah's promises seem made to be broken. so let's just cross our fingers and hope I don't get overly distracted by netflix, or real life, or something ridiculous like that...

peace in the Canadian East!

playing: this velvet glove- red hot chilli peppers

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