scratch your name in my side

I have so much to talk about and so many photos to share, I don't even know where to begin!
I've decided to divide everything into three posts; one to catch up on all my outfits, another to talk about my trip to new york, and a third to recap the holidays (which I am missing already!). sound good?? good!

this will be post number one, because I haven't yet gone through the hundreds of pictures I took in nyc with my awesome new camera. :o)

dress- Christmas present, fr. leproust vintage on etsy
tights- we love colors
shoes- aldo
belt- stocking stuffer, joe fresh

dress- h&m
tights- Christmas present
boots- charlotte russe
belt- joe fresh
long sleeved tee- costco
necklace- Christmas present

cardigan- urban outfitters
hat- stocking stuffer, joe fresh
top- h&m
jeans- Christmas present, aeropostale
boots- spring

shirt- topman
tee- gift, urban outfitters
pants- h&m
boots- charlotte russe
bow barrette- gift

dress- topshop
tights- modcloth
socks- Christmas present
boots- primark
hat- joe fresh
vest- h&m
pashmina- primark

I guess I'm kind of copping out, but I'm not going to explain the thought process behind these outfits haha. seems like overkill. although I will say that the last outfit was yesterday's and actually required no thought at all- I just kind of pulled a bunch of matching things out of my suitcase and off my floor.

I left for the airport really early in the morning to meet my friend Caitlin who I haven't seen since last APRIL! I've missed her so much. she came to visit Brando and I on her way back to Newfoundland for school (she's from Calgary). it was only for yesterday and most of today, but it really brightened my return to Hali. she wanted me to show her around, but...I really couldn't think of anything for us to do, haha. so I took her to Burrito Jax and we walked around downtown- I bought a coat with a hood and she bought a dress :o)- and we all went to a movie. by the way, Up in the Air is pretty excellent. yup. I'm a wild ride.

oh my god. Michael just tried to kiss Pam. ewwwwww.

...sorry. slight Office obsession.
I miss Caitlin.

ok, I really need to go to sleep now. I actually have class in the morning...ugh. is it the weekend yet?

playing: Stuck for the Summer- Two Hours Traffic


Jen Hsieh said...

ahhh all of your dresses are gorgeous. my favorite has to be the vintage dress in the first picture that you got for christmas. the h&m dress is gorgeous as well. and the floral topshop dress! :)

Tieka, Selective Potential said...

I love love love that floral dress from Top Shop! And the dress from Leproust.. gorgeous!!

Kristin said...

ohhhhh you styled the square collar dress so well!!! I should have you style everything for my shop! haha I just love the green tights underneath...they give it such an updated feel. Gorgeous!

Annie, Time Enough for Drums said...

Love the H&M and Topshop dresses! Annie.

Sara said...

Omgosh! You are so completely adorable, Sarah! If you hear a funny noise in your wardrobe tonight, it's probably just me stealing all your clothes!;)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! xx