taking care of business..

arg. I have a feeling the next five weeks are going to be preeeetty hectic.
I didn't have time to do anything I wanted to today. including upload all my new york pictures. tomorrow? I hope so. radio appears to try and consume one's life.

also, I got myself a tripod (!!) which I am totally excited about. today before I went to school/the radio room I set it up and tried it out, but alas, the sun was on the other side of my building. so lighting sucked, and I didn't have time to go chasing the sun around one of the busier streets in the city.

what I'm trying to say, is I had to settle for indoor pictures again, and while they look really good the lighting isn't optimal for showing off outfits. which is sad because I got a lot of compliments on this dress today so I think it looks nice.

maybe I'll get outdoor pictures tomorrow, too.

dress- modcloth
scarf- h&m
tights- ardene
shoes- vintage fr. LA vintage

went for simple again today. I really wanted to wear this dress that I got before the holidays- it's such a gorgeous, classy silhouette. I was kind of chilly but didn't want to cover it up with a sweater, so I picked a scarf instead. and I just got the shoes in the mail after ordering them a while ago, so I thought they went well with the vintage-secretary theme. )they're actually brown, not black.) a lot of people commented on the dress, even dudes, so I think it's a hit!

aaaand out.
it's late. up early again tomorrow...and for the next five weeks. yayyyy.

playing: Money- Pink Floyd


Annie, Time Enough for Drums said...

This dress is beautiful. Maybe one of my favorite I've seen on you! Annie.

Laura said...

I concur! Very classy!

Jessica / Lola Vintage said...

Adorable outfit. The scarf is such a perfect touch too. Looks like the 50's, and the deep color makes it all even better!

Tieka, Selective Potential said...

Love the dress!

Ashley Dy said...

You are just lovely!