new york, new york

I thought I'd share a few of the hundreds of photos from my family trip to the Big Apple. 
I'd love to share the most important picture with you- my WEDDING DRESS!- but of course I'd like it to be a surprise for most people. 
but it's perfect and I'm soooo excited!

(empire state of mind...)
(chillin' in Central Park, and my wedding dress search)
(you're fired?)
(sea lion show at the Central Park zoo!)
(papa paying for some yummy Katz's sandwiches!)
(my sis with her new Abercrombie bf, and me being a goof)
(room with a view)
(Egyptian art at the Met)
(my family!)

and now we return to our regularly scheduled program...


S + Y said...

Lovely pics Sarah!!! I just discovered your blog today and I had so much fun browsing through all the pages! I loveeeee your style and your ability to remix and layer different pieces together. I see a skirt you're wearing and I'm like, "I have that skirt in my wardrobe! Why haven't I tried pairing that with a button-down shirt? (you ROCK the style, by the way)".

PS: Can't wait to see your wedding dress! (You're getting MARRIED???? CONGRATS!) ;)


Jen Hsieh said...

awww it looks like you had so much fun in new york! i love the picture of you in central park and congrats on finding your wedding dress! i can't wait to see it in the future but i guess i'll have to wait until you finally debut it! :)

Ally said...

looks like u had an awesome time hun!!!!good luck with the dress search xx