if London's calling, don't you dare pick up the phone

cheerio once again, old friends!

sorry 'bout the short hiatus, but hubs and I took a mini-vacation to London for the weekend. it was quite the fantastic time. I absolutely love London. I think it's my favourite city in the world. I could go amillion times and never run out of things to do. "when one is tired of London, one is tired of life."

got a few shots of my chosen attire for the first day of shopping and general trotting about...

blazer- Zara
top- Topshop
pants- American Apparel
shoes- Primark
sunglasses- H&M
bag- Aldo

fun fact: this outfit features six out of seven of my favourite non-internet-based places to shop. 
fun fact number 2: I'm really diggin orange lately... 

more updates on the weekend next post. for now it's off to bed with my sleepy self! 

playing: Rolling in the Deep- Adele

1 comment:

Unknown said...

glad that you're back!