times they are a-changin'

sorry that this post will be a little rushed; I am up far too late and I actually have to get up at a reasonable hour tomorrow!

I was distracted all day coming up with ways to improve this here blog. photoshop, photoshop actions, blog makeovers, and a whole new design are on the agenda! renovations start tomorrow.

for now, here's my barely-went-outside-except-to-go-to-the-grocery-store outfit!

shirt & pants- american apparel // belt- fr. outfit (the store, not just this outfit! haha) // headband- postlapsaria // flats- primark

aaand goodnight everyone! 


Joanna said...

cute pants and love the stripes!


Kyla said...

Those pants look REALLY good on you! They're so not easy to pull off, but you are doing it, my dear!

prettygeeky.com said...

Can't go wrong with a burst of color on an outfit. Love the flats!