who will I be today...

there are some people who just have a "signature style."a specific look that you can recognize as theirs. it makes those people easy to shop for and fun to shop with.

I don't know if I've ever really had a signature style.

I constantly feel like I'm torn between two looks; not falling somewhere in between both of them, but just being drawn equally to each.

on one hand, I'd like to look chic and modern and sophisticated- all bright colours, blazers, and sleek, too-high heels. skinny pants and neon eyeshadow and tight dresses. quintessentially Euro. I see girls dressed like that and all I can think is chic.

image 1, weardrobe // image 2, marianna m. on lookbook // image 3, selective potential

but on the other hand, part of me wants to dress every day like Sarah-in-Wonderland; nothing but pastels, full skirts, velvet + lace, and peter pan collars. and ballet-slippered feet for frolicking. I want to be a fairy princess, to look like I belong equally in old photographs and wooded groves.

image 1, shan s. on lookbook // image 2, valentine // image 3, mayo w. on lookbook

do I really have to choose? I mean, of course no one is making me. but which style is me? if someone's searching for my birthday present and walks up to a sale rack with a sequined pencil skirt and a chiffon maxi dress, which one do they pick?

for now, I just appreciate lovely interpretations of both styles. here are some of my favourites that I've seen while scouring the internet this past week.

**please note that these are not my images; not photos of me, nor photos taken by me. I found them all on chictopia, lookbook, and weardrobe. I'll start keeping track of names and urls for next time. but I am by no means trying to take credit for anyone else's work!

your friendly split-personality shopper,
Sarah ♥

playing: someone like you- Adele

1 comment:

KaNini's said...

Oh, these are some very beautiful and inspirational pics! Tnx for sharing them! :)
xx, K.