don't you forget about me!

hey there pals!

soooo I'm on a bit of a blogging hiatus again. I had a couple sick days last week and I didn't get around to posting, and now... well, now I'm in Venice. drinking wine from a plastic cup at a camp site while Brando sucks on a cigar like a boss. 


Brando and I are having one last European jaunt before we book it back to Canada as fast as we can go. since it was such a short time period from my last vacation to this one, I really didn't have enough time to organize scheduled posts or guest bloggers... I hope you can forgive me. I'll try and post little sneak peeks throughout the weeks while we're away. and I promise I'll have SO MUCH to talk about when I get back.

please don't forget I exist. :)

have a fantabulous day, all.
lots of love!

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