I like suspended disbelief, I like to spend the day in bed

know what's fun? sleep. sleep and relaxation and mexican food and more sleep.
hence my lack of blog posting.

I'm working on editing the thousands of holiday pictures so I can get some real content up on here before I take off again!
but more on that later.

...for now, a little outfit post and few notes that have nothing to do with my vacation!

- I've read two books in the past week or so; Oryx & Crake by Margaret Atwood, and Amsterdam by Ian McEwan. the former is one of the best books I've ever read. the latter, I was not impressed with. in fact I didn't like it at all. McEwan's writing style can be tedious at the best of times, but this book didn't have enough redeeming qualities to compensate for that fact and the bizarre premise. and I usually really like him!
but Oryx & Crake is phenomenal and Margaret Atwood is basically a literary goddess. read it. seriously.

- I have begun a tenuous love affair with colourful jeans. I am now in possession of a purple pair, a mint pair, a black tie-dye pair, a yellow pair, and am currently lusting after a pair of h&m that combines leopard print with kelly green. they're wonderfully tacky! (delightfully, even?)

- I am having unstoppable cravings for boeuf bourguignon. it's a delicious French dish that Julia Child loved. anyways I guess that has a little to do with my vacation but more to do with the fact that I'm hungry...

sweater + shorts- h&m // tights + bow- american apparel // shoes- new look

- my faith in the film industry has been (at least temporarily) restored this summer. not only was The Avengers one of the best things to have ever happened to me personally, but The Amazing Spider-Man lived up to it's name, and Seeking a Friend for the End of the World was a pleasant surprise. and I am seriously pumped to see Brave, The Bourne Legacy, The Great Gatsby, Django Unchained, and about a dozen others coming out in the next few months. film may once again topple tv in claiming the throne to my heart.

- and The Dark Knight Rises deserved it's own point. I'm going to see it asap. oh. my. GOD.

and that's all for now.
happy weekending, everybody!
love love.

playing: last call- Amelia Curran


Hattitude said...

Hattitude Style Blog

oooo my goodnesss i love love love this bow in your hair it is perfect with this sweater!

talk soon wild child
Hattitude Style Blog

Kyla said...

Welcome back! Hope you had an unforgettable trip!

Jennifer said...

Adorable outfit! Love the mint colors!

xo Jennifer
