electric avenue

hey guess what?! there wasn't a snowstorm today. there's supposed to be one tomorrow, and the next day... but today? today we were free to bander about in the huge piles of snow without being whipped by extreme winds and ice pellets. 


dress- Modcloth // sweater- Ego // leggings- Garage // socks + hair bow- American Apparel // boots- Aldo

this is a typical outfit for me lately; a dress, leggings, and a warm sweater. okay... typical on days that I change out of pyjamas or gym clothes. I think this cardigan is going to become a wardrobe staple. I love the pattern and the vintage vibe, and I feel like it can go with anything. it's bold and graphic, yet  still neutral. I love that the pattern isn't too crazy to pair with my electric light show-patterned dress! 

another dress that I'm surprised took so long to show up on the blog... I got it over the summer and it's one of the easiest things to just throw on and feel great in. the colours remind me of psychedelic northern lights!

ugh. I'm watching Everybody Loves Raymond and that show always makes me hungry. they keep eating delicious Italian food like bragiole and cannolis and steak pizzaiola. 
netflix is going to make me fat. 
so deliciously fat.

okay bye!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those prints together are so much fun!
xoxo, Lindsey Dish