burning down bridges

hey there sports fans!
how about that team and their sports game?

I kid, I kid, I watched the Superbowl. it wasn't the most exciting game of football I've ever seen, but you know. it's an event. I was rooting for the Seahawks, and they won! you're welcome, Frasier.

Brando and I went out of town to visit some friends of ours and watch the game. it was nice to get away for just a night and gorge on pizza and wings and beer. a good ol' fashioned Superbowl night.

plus, they live in Port Blandford, which is a perfect little town for a photo op!

I kept my word and planned a warm wardrobe for outdoors, but of course I ended up not needing it. it was so mild! I didn't need any mittens or a hat, my new puffy jacket was good enough.

Brandon got a similar jacket in blue (which you can check out further down this post!) and I felt like we were a ski lodge couple from the 70s. do puffy bomber jackets remind you of stuff like that? I love those cute little ski bunny outfits with the pink jackets and earmuffs and big white ski boots. it makes me want to take a ski trip, but I know I'd prefer sipping hot chocolate and marshmallows by a fire to falling down a giant snow bank...

coat- american eagle // sweater- ??old // dress(skirt)- suzy shier // boots- aldo

before we move on, I'd like to note two things: one, how awesome my gold nail polish is; and two, how great bridges are for taking pictures. 
seriously, could they be more photogenic?
(click below to see Brando's outfit!)
coat- american eagle // shirt- gift // hat- gift, handmade // jeans- old navy // boots- gift

doesn't he look smashing in his new clothes? 
all Brandon got for Christmas were plaid shirts. he is completely fine with this. they're his fave.

we'll have to make a visit to Port Blandford again soon for the scenery. 
...and you know, the good company, or whatever. :)

happy monday! here's to a great week.

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