you think I'm crazy

oh spring, where art thou? other bloggers are beginning to post pictures of themselves in floral dresses, sun hats, and bare legs, hinting that spring has in fact sprung. here in Newfoundland, however, the mountains of snow have barely begun to thaw (leaving behind unsightly mounds of dirty ice- eww) and people still think you're crazy for wearing short sleeves indoors

well, slap me silly and call me Judy! because today I dared to bare arms in the frozen wasteland that is Canadian April. 
so I must be crazy.

it really wasn't very cold today, which was a welcome change. I'm looking forward to the move "south" haha.  I know New York residents are displeased with the unseasonably cool weather they've been having, but I'm sure it's a mite warmer and spring-like than it will be here! 

I don't think I've ever really experienced spring... it's usually just five or six months of winter followed by a short, mild summer. and it's the same in all the places we've lived! it will be interesting to live someplace with four real seasons. sandals will be used more than twice a year! no more snow storms after Easter! spring jackets will make sense!

gee, I hope I'm not putting too much stock into this spring idea. 

crop top- American Apparel // skirt- Topshop (old!) // scarf- London street vendor

Brandon and I are back in his hometown for a long weekend, and we haven't really done much adventuring. we're just spending time with family and eating chicken burgers, you know... the usual. 
the fact that I even ventured outside the house at all is somewhat remarkable. 
and I haven't even watched netflix in five whole days
you guys, I think I'm changing. 

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