back in the (ny?) groove

holla, cats & kittens!

I'm very happy to report that today full internet has been restored to the King-Goulding household (that's us).  which means I am officially back to blogging! yayyy I've missed you all. I am SO behind on my reading.

not much has happened on the past couple weeks that you would really want updating about... still working at New Look, still needing a second job, still spending most of my free time watching dvds and otherwise avoiding social contact.

I've had to start dressing entirely in New Look garb, which is a little annoying. mostly because I have really short shifts- four hours- but I'm in almost every day, so it feels like kind of a wasted outfit opportunity. I'm starting to change when I get home/before I leave the apartment again, so hopefully that will make outfit posts far less boring and repetitive.

but for now, I'll just be sharing my regular work outfits, because you haven't seen them yet. :)

dress + jacket- new look // flats- primark // belt- american apparel

isn't this maxi pretty?? I bought it instead of the one I really wanted at monsoon, because it was similar but cheaper and... for work. I really love the colours, and the cute detail of the rainbow stitching. 

a lot of the stuff at New Look is pretty cute, and it's an ok job, but I'm not getting nearly enough hours. so I'm kinda looking around for anything to get a little more cash. there's not the greatest selection of jobs in Aberdeen.

I did line up a few job interviews this week... one with Zara went horribly. I'm not exactly sure what happened, but I babbled like an idiot and ended up, at one point, talking about Doctor Who. 
I did not get the job.

today I had an interview at Topshop, which I was/am majorly excited about, and actually went really well (I think). but it's only part-time, so I'd still need to find another job to supplement the hours I need to, you know... pay rent. oi. I still really hope I get it though! I love Topshop.

anyway I guess that about sums up recent happenings. thanks for sticking around! 
love love. 

playing: a mess to be made- the format

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