black velvet

Scottish weather has been keeping me close to home lately. and I mean that in two senses; that it reminds me of Newfoundland, and that I never stray far from my apartment building.

this playground (if one can call it that) is just outside our building. I have only seen a kid play in it once, and it made me sad. something about it is so creepy.

maybe it's the eerie, rundown, abandoned aura it exudes. like, this is what I feel a playground would look like after a zombie apocalypse. appropriate setting for a few outfit pictures since I am loving The Walking Dead right now.

of course in the even of an actual zombie apocalypse I would certainly not wear heels. unlike those many stupid women in action-adventure movies who feel safe running from various dangers and disasters in stilettos, I would definitely feel better about sprinting and dodging in flats.

on a different note, I feel like I should do a little recap of the past week, because it's been pretty good! so here goes. 

wednesday was Brando's birthday! I had the day off and he did mostly, so we spent it walking around the city center. we had lunch and egg nog lattes at Starbucks, browsed a bookshop for ages, then went to a matinee movie. just had a chill day. 

on thursday we had an informal French lesson at the home of our new Parisienne friend. there was a group of us and we practiced our French sounds and took notes and then ate crepes! it was lovely, and I'm really looking forward to next week. I'm so happy to finally be practicing my French again! 

last night we had his birthday party. it was pretty low key, just friends over for drinks + pizza. but it was great fun! we played some silly games and had a few laughs.  hubs and me are saving the real celebration for our trip to London, which is what I got him for his b-day(that, a box of dream-alicious cupcakes, and a homemade card). I knew he had to see the city in all its Christmas glory. 

dress- gift // velvet jacket- etsy // belt + tights- american apparel // shoes- aldo

I've been dying over this one velvet jacket for-ev-or, and when I got an unexpected tax return a couple weeks ago I decided to give in. it was only $30, after all. I was so happy when it arrived! I want to wear it with everything. it's more feminine than my long black blazer, and fancier than a cardigan. love. 

I'm sure you'll be seeing a lot of it in the future. tis the season for velvet, after all! velvet... and zombies. seems to be the overarching theme of this post. wow, my mind does wander.

playing: still haven't found what I'm looking for- u2

1 comment:

amberly said...

That velvet jacket is amazing! And you are so stunning in that blue dress amongst the rusty/gloomy playground! :) Your week sounds lovely -- friends, wanderings, enjoying the little things until winter coops us up for good!!

P.S. I adore your lipstick color!