hey big spender...

I thought since posts have been a little slow lately that I'd finally take the time to really introduce my little shop my closet feature.

a lot of bloggers have one of these shops, and I think it's a fun way to get rid of things you don't wear anymore and share with your readers!

now, I have major pack rat issues, so getting rid of an item of clothing takes a lot of convincing. several pros-and-cons lists have been made in the past. I have too often found that when I finally decide to give up on something that I just don't wear enough, the perfect occasion on which to wear it arrises very soon after. this makes me very distraught. hence the reluctance to give up anything remotely wearable.

but, I have pulled myself together just enough to get over my irrational fears and put some of my treasures up for sale.

here are a few items that are available right now!

1. purple betty dress // 2. degrassi pink skirt
3. prairie pumpkin dress // 4. girl about town dress
5. goldenrod sweater // 6. lady gray blazer
7. victorian booties // 8. retro white wedges
9. crinoline/petticoat

(please note that not everything in the photos is for sale- I just wanted to show each item's true potential by making a pretty outfit for it!)

I plan on adding a couple items a week till my wardrobe is down to a more manageable size. it's going to get harder and harder to give things up each week! but hopefully the shop will just keep getting better and a lovely reader will find something they like.

check back in a little while to see what else is up for grabs!

and now that I'm done this, I get a cookie!

playing: killer queen- queen


brando said...

I guess it doesn't cout as a salle if I buy an item and give it back to you does it?

Janessa said...

I've been doing hardcore paring down recently too! It's been hard. I totally feel your pain. Though for me it's the movies and books that have built up. I'm proud to say I got rid of about 70 dvds this weekend and my goal is another 30 or 40 over the next few weeks. :) you keep strong and I'll keep strong!