that thing you do

so today is what I would call a pretty successful day off.

normally I squander my days away from work in pyjamas, watching tv shows online, and trolling twitter like my life depended on it. I really really enjoy a day of doing absolutely nothing. but I usually feel terrible afterwards, and that's how I know I have not yet crossed the line into completely unmotivated loser.

today, I actually did things!

I got up long before noon(!) and was fully clothed- with hair done- and out the door by my usual breakfast time. I went to the park for a walk, took a few photos, saw a few doggies. I love going to the park this time of year. it's not over-crowded with horny teenagers and gangs of skater kids. instead it's full of pretty leaves and people walking their dogs, who always want to come over for a tummy rub (the dogs, not their owners. thank goodness). 

after I walked home I watched last night's Glee (FINALLY. dying without new tv, here). it was a bit of a disappointment. but the afternoon picked up when Brandon got home with chicken sandwiches and we went Christmas window-shopping! as in, looked for potential gifts, but did not buy anything. I'm allowed to be excited for Christmas now, Halloween's over. shut up. 

dress- vintage // tights- american apparel // jacket- primark // scarf- h&m // shoes- ebay

finally topped the day off with my first egg nog latte of the year and a viewing of Breakfast at Tiffany's. and now here we are. 

this outfit, by the way, did not turn out how I had planned. I keep trying to find ways to wear these patent yellow heels (which at the time of purchase seemed to go flawlessly with everything I owned) but I can't seem to fit them into a fall wardrobe of layers. I mean they go perfectly with a zillion dress+tights combos, but anything more looks too busy. 

anyways, I also couldn't find like ANYTHING I planned on wearing so I ended up throwing this jacket on at the last minute. I don't like that it looks like I'm wearing three primary colours here. but please note that in person the jacket can appear to be brown, so I was going for neutral. 

red dress + yellow heels is a killer combo, though. and it was a dece day anyhow.

well, back to the ol' grindstone tomorrow, friends, but I feel pretty good about this day off. hopefully it will get me through the next four non-days off...

lots of love. 

playing: wicked game- HIM 


Evie said...


Unknown said...

I tend to do the same thing when I have a free day. I usually feel bad when I realize it's 10 o'clock and I haven't done a single productive thing that day!

I really really love this outfit. The yellow heels are perfect with your cute red dress. Not to mention how nice the outfit looks against the fall background of the park.