I want candy

hi friends!

so while scrambling for content here in don't-know-where-my-life-is-going Land, I made the happy discovery that I had neglected a very generous guest post from the lovely Amberly Sara! she sent this to me while on my vacation (which as you may recall was cut short, hence the forgetting to post this) and it's a winner, so I wanted to share it with you. 
Sara is just the sweetest, this post is darling, and I'm so glad I found it again! thanks Sara. :)

Hello Ocean in Your Bedroom Readers! My name is Sara and I am thrilled to be over here on a fellow Sarah's blog while she's on her last minute European Vacation with Brando! I adore all of their adventures and Sarah's fun vintage style, as well as all of the gorgeous photos! Look at me, posted up next to a brick decaying building... If only I ventured into a gorgeous sunlit park like Sarah does so perfectly.

For some reason all I want to wear this summer is longer lengths, despite the heat. I won this skirt from a giveaway from Kitsune-kun and wore it to a summer arts festival recently. Right before a light, short thunderstorm that day, I bought some cotton candy to take home to my boyfriend (who really loves Cotton Candy). When I walked up, the cotton candy boys said, "Why hello, Miss America!" and I told them, "It's Miss Cotton Candy, thank you very much."

Dress as a top - Old Navy, Skirt - Downeast Basics giveaway win, Wedges - Target

And them of course I love maxi skirts since you can hike them up over dresses! This dress from Old Navy is so soft, and I love its chambray feel, but it's a little on the short (and unusual drop-waist?) side, so layering a long skirt is perfect for prancing the in the wet rain at a free festival. 

This particular weekend I drove home to Indianapolis, Indiana to be with my family to discover the gender of my older sister's baby! She and her husband are having a baby boy, due in December! Christmas will be extra special this year :)  And as I was driving back home (8 hour drive through the flat, hot Midwest), I witnessed the a beautiful summer sunset and it reminded me of this skirt. I can't wait to wear it again, hopefully to a sunlit filled park, a la Sarah.

Safe and happy travels to Sarah and Brando! 
Can't wait to see (undoubtedly) gorgeous photos from your trip!

1 comment:

amberly said...

Thank you so much for posting this!! Whew, I don't know if I could make that skirt fall appropriate but now I want to try! Maybe if I add some mustard? :) Thanks again, Sarah! A pleasure to be on your blog!!!