against the wind

one of the things I envy about the really fabulous style bloggers is how the weather always seems to cooperate. I'm sure that's not always true, but they never seem to have to deal with, say, three snow storms in a week, constant rain, or wind that just will not give you a break.

between living in northern Scotland and Newfoundland, I have never experienced this luxury.

the majority of days I venture outside to try and get outfit photos they turn out like this; hair flying, eyes squinting, trying frantically to keep my skirt down. ahh, the gorgeous east coast weather...

it was a particularly blustery day when hubs and I took a drive "around the bay," as they say on our island. all the tiny rural communities are so pretty and quaint, especially in autumn when all the leaves change colour. they're still holding out on us in that regard, but there are still plenty of photo ops between the fishing gear and the old churches. if you ask me, there's just something so photogenic about a lobster pot.

dress- modcloth // shoes- walmart
today I'm mostly trying to quell the beginning stages of a cold. the afternoon agenda includes watching epic amounts of That 70s Show and working on a little blog re-design, all while slurping down soup and green tea. oh, and did I mention I'm also dealing with some sort of eye infection, and another family crisis? yeah, this summer has not been kind to the King-Gouldings.

please autumn, pick up and rescue us. you've always been my favourite. 

playing: victoria day- Melissa McLelland


Louisa said...

Beautiful scenery. I live in Edinburgh and grew up in Ireland, so I totally understand what you mean about the uncooperative weather! I love your dress, and your windswept hair :) Hope your cold goes away quickly.

Eccentric Owl said...

So beautiful. I love the wind in your pictures; it creates such beautiful movement.
I hope you feel better soon!

Marlen said...

haha well where you have angry, crazy weather you also have gorgeous scenery! i can only take pictures in my suburban street, look what you have to work with! and i like your dress :)

Jen Hsieh said...

Despite the rough weather and wind, you still managed to look gorgeous as ever! There really is something awesome about those lobster pots, haha. I wish I could drop all my responsibilities and fly out to visit. The scenery is breathtaking right by the water! :)

furniture Indonesia said...

look So beautiful