feeling good

this weekend has been a very successful one.
it started kinda early, with me arriving in St. John's to go to a concert on thursday night, and it's been crazy fun times ever since!
the band was The Sheepdogs, and they were amazing. seriously, you should go listen to them, and they're fantastic, but nothing will compare to the live thing. it was one of the most fun shows I have ever been to! so. much. rocking out.

my friends and I squeezed our way right to the front, so I got some pretty alright photos of the turbulent affair.
I touched his shoe, guys.
and he gave me the peace sign. he looked right at me.

(loving. it.)
can't see The Sheepdogs without an abundance of plaid.

it was a seriously great night. and we've had a couple more since, and tomorrow's the Christmas parade. so thanks, November, for being awesome. 

hope you're all enjoying your weekend as much as I am!

playing: catfish 2 boogaloo- the sheepdogs


Tony said...

I'm pretty sure I said this last night, but damn some of those pictures turned out great.

Now let's go to Coachella and do the same thing. (:

Unknown said...

so bummed that I missed this concert. Living vicariously through these pictures and grooveshark does not cut it.