in these designer clothes

my alternative title to this post is; the Day I Wore Oscar De la Renta to Walmart

because, well, I did.

that's right. I own a piece of Oscar De la Renta clothing. and it's vintage.
I found this skirt at the only (?) vintage shop in St. John's. it was the only thing there that I was remotely interested in and might remotely fit me. AND I got a discount on it. the forces of fashion and good luck worked to bring me and this skirt together, guys.

I love that it makes me feel like I'm on a picnic.

this is the first time since getting my wisdom teeth out that I've felt well enough to do outfit photos. even in these I'm pretty sure my jaw is still swollen... this stuff really puts you out of commission, ya know?! I've spent the last week zonked out on the couch popping pain pills, like a real housewife of Orange County. 

which is why the only place I wore this skirt today was Walmart. I got lotion. 

I'm also having a really hard time concentrating! I'm a little concerned those four teeth may have actually contained the bulk of my wisdom... 

skirt- vintage // shirt- american apparel // cardigan- h&m // boots- new look // necklace- modcloth

and now, I'm not gonna lie, I'm just going to quit this post with no real grace at all, because I'm very distracted by CNN's election coverage. I'm sure you're all more interested in that, too. I'm probably too late in encouraging all you 'muricans out there to vote... but here's to hoping things turn out alright for everyone! 

I have to admit I'm slightly invested in this since our plans include moving to the States next year. but I obviously have absolutely no control. so I'll just nervously wait and lament that there is nothing else on tv tonight. 

...happy election day! 

playing: born in the usa- Bruce Springsteen


Unknown said...

That skirt was a fantastic find! I love the classic red and white checker print. The yellow cardigan pairs with it perfectly too. And that necklace is great! You just look so cute. I'm glad you're starting to feel a little better after the wisdom teeth surgery.

Jen Hsieh said...

There's nothing wrong with being dressed up to run errands! I do it all the time. :P That's seriously an awesome vintage find though - such a cute look! I hope you're healing fast from your wisdom teeth removal! When I got mine removed two years ago it was a disaster story. Feel better soon! :)


Wildflower said...

This outfit is beautiful!
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