with a circus mind

things have been a little quiet around this blog lately.
everyone's been busy doing their own thing, and Brando's got an 8-5 gig now that he's doing his last work placement, so I don't have a photographer around... I also don't have a tripod anymore, nor a camera remote, so taking outfit photos is kind of deals off for now.

I spent today shuffling around the kitchen cooking up a scoff while wearing a dress, a fisherman sweater, and wool socks. I have never been more of a Newfie.

in lieu of regular style-y content, I thought I'd share a few photos from the past week or so. like I said, things have been busy, which also means eventful. besides, autumn is basically over- far too quickly, as usual- and I'm sad to see it go.

autumn is too pretty to leave... get it? leave. har har!
downtown St. John's, aka one of my favourites.
can't get enough kitty love around here.
the yummiest sandwiches!
Manna bakery's new biggest fan.
autumn in central newfoundland...
there's a "landmark" tree in Brando's hometown that's supposed to look like an elephant head. of these two, which do you think it is? and which do you think actually looks like an elephant? hint: they are not the same...
classic downtown grub. loves a bit o' Ziggy's!
party face, y'all.
the sweetest baby eyes. :)
flowers at mom & dad's.
he wanted me to caption this "he's auditioning for Duck Dynasty." 
if you need that explained, go to google and prepare to be entertained.
someone's in the kitchen...
putting all that pinterest time into action.

hope you are all enjoying the final days of autumn as much as I am. ♥

playing: little wing- Jimmy Hendrix

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your life looks beautiful! Autumn will be here in San Diego until Spring comes back around. We really don't have a winter. -Jessica L