took myself down to the fair in town

yesterday Brando and I made a quick trip to the Renegade Craft Fair here in Brooklyn. it was a mini-market version, but there was still a plethora of wonderfully arty things to explore! all of these local crafters are amazing. there was so much I wanted to take home with me; handmade stationary, terrariums, dazzling jewellery, and plants in hand-made pots. if Renegade is coming to a place near you, I would recommend checking it out! 

we got a couple things to decorate our apartment, ate fresh tacos, and had afternoon beers. 

also, we ran into Mel! I "met" Mel through blogging a few years ago, first when I started- hers was one of the first blogs I discovered that inspired me to start my own. when we came to New York a few years ago we met up for coffee and she took me shopping, and was just generally so lovely! she had a booth at the craft fair for her adorable Little Knitty Things (we are dying to snag one of those wood & wool wall hangings!) and it was great to see her again. 

dress- Modcloth // shoes- Walmart // sunglasses- thrifted // earrings- Posie Row (looong time ago)

after a little shopping and exploring, we worked on a couple home projects and went to a laundry mat for the first time. not super exciting, but it was another sunny & successful day in Brooklyn. 

1 comment:

ModernVintageStyle said...

Great dress! So glad that NY is working out for you. I love my visits there. I really like the fact that you are bringing your own distinct, fabulous style to the streets! Kx