young at heart

I feel constantly at odds with my love of girly clothes. on the one hand, frills and pastels and mary janes make me feel feminine and whimsical, like I'm going to a magical tea party. it's an aesthetic I envy when other more wide-eyed and dainty girls pull it off so effortlessly. but since every year this weird thing happens where I get older, I'm wondering how long I can keep pretending to be an Alice or a Dorothy. 

oh well. I just got white polka dot tights to go with a pale blue eyelet dress, so Imma try and work it for a little while longer. 

dress- H&M // floral headband- American Eagle // tights- Hue // shoes- New Look

that's right, this dress is blue. the lighting doesn't really lend itself to true colors.
special thanks to the guy in the pictures for making it possible for you to tell they are not in sequence.
and that's all for tonight!
hope you're all enjoying your weekend. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No, I know exactly what you mean! I see these 21-year-old bloggers where these little baby doll dresses and I think, "Is it weird that I'm 28 and wanna wear the same things?" And then I say fuck it, I'll do what I want! I think you look darling. And the photos are so beautiful!
xoxo, Lindsey Dish