lady in red

I've been drawn to wearing red lately because it makes me feel "dressed up" or stylish without actually having to try too hard. wearing a red dress? boom, you look nice. at least that's how it feels. 

plus, this dress is red and comfortable. that's the ultimate feel-good combo. and when you feel good you look good! wait... no it's the other way around. but I'm sure it works both ways.

dress- Urban Outfitters // vest- American Eagle // necklace- gift // sandals- H&M

I'm feeling a lot better than I was over the weekend, but still not 100%. I didn't get to go to Coney Island, boo. here's hoping for good weather next weekend. tomorrow if I feel up to it Brando and I are going to take the Staten Island ferry. free close up of Lady Liberty, yes please! 

I just really want to get back to exploring the Big Apple. there's so much yet to do! 

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