your best shot

today marks the first time in a long, long while that I've attempted to take my own outfit pictures. 
it did not go well.

I mean, I got the job done and all, with minimal stares or awkward interactions with passers-by. but it's just so hard to get the angles right and be creative when you're trying to pose for a tripod. oh well. with the days getting shorter and Brandon getting home later, I'm going to have to either get used to it again, or figure out alternative posting schedules. oh autumn, how I love thee, but you do create problems for the style blogger...

dress- vintage // boots- Aldo // necklace- Modcloth (very old!) // tights- American Apparel

(plus, you can see the camera remote in every picture! oops.)

as you all well know by now, nothing causes me closet envy quite like over-priced, tiny-waisted vintage dresses. vintage boutiques and many Etsy shops seem to reserve retro gems for the rich and slender type, while I'm more on the "curvy and broke" spectrum. thankfully, one of the great things about all the flea markets and thrift stores in Brooklyn is that I can actually find stuff that fits me at a far more affordable price! lately I've been drawn to a more 70s dress, like this one, with longer lengths and stretchier fabrics. I like how they look with boots in the cooler weather. plus, they tend to run about $20 rather than the typical $80 for a perfect 50s party dress. so win-win! 

thank you, Brooklyn hipsters, for making this possible.


Unknown said...

Even I can't fit into most of those 50s/60s vintage dresses! The waist size on them can be so ridiculous. The amount of 24 inch waist vintage dresses I've seen. The ladies back then did tend to wear girdles and other such things so maybe that helped them squeeze into those tiny dresses!

It's great when you come across a vintage dress that fits perfectly though. I love this one you're wearing here. The 70s vibe is great and so are your pink tights.

Jamie |

ModernVintageStyle said...

I think the photos might even look even more natural than usual!. It's a fabulous dress, and it really works well on you. Kx