my obsession

hey y'all! it's been a long time since I've shared with you some of my superficial fancies, so I thought I would put together some Friday favourites. how else will you know how I've been wasting time and what I've been ogling on the interweb? it's a service, really.

...yes, I'm aware it is Monday, but I'm always behind. you should be used to it by now!

1. I need some plant life in my home life; this hanging planter is just so pretty. //Barruntando.

2. I've recently discovered this fabulous lady's blog, and with it her equally fabulous Etsy creations. love this clear tote! //Mini Penny Vintage. 

3. I'm so excited for all my favourite shows to pick up again- autumn; tis the season of new tv!- not least of all that final season of Parks & Rec. Guardians gave me my fill of Chris Pratt over the summer, but I've missed Andy Dwyer's philosophies on life. like these! //via Buzzfeed.

4. Urban Decay has a new vice palette out, and I kind of need it... all those amazing bright colours! zoinks! //Sephora. 

5. I'm obsessed with getting a pair of white boots, preferably of the cowboy variety. these would be ideal for wearing with flowery dresses to transition them into cooler weather. //clockwise fr. top left: Time Bomb Vintage; Time Bomb Vintage (again); Jeffrey Campbell; Sam Edelman.

6. more Buzzfeed love; apparently no show better exemplifies my life than Arthur. and I won't pretend that doesn't make me extremely happy. //Buzzfeed.

7. I'm itchin' to get some new pretty up on my walls, and I'm especially fond of anything that shows love for Brooklyn. //Joe B Map Art.

8. I know this video was released ages ago, but I'm so obsessed. the song alone is amazeballs (be sure to check out the Sara Bareilles cover here!), but the video is even AMAZEBALLIER. yeah, that's right, I'm so pumped I just created a new superlative. 

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