a brighter discontent

'ello 'ello!

it's a positively dreary day here in Halifax and I'm sitting around the apartment, warming my feet with a portable heater and downloading (illegally muah ha)  Robert Downey Jr. movies. quite the uninteresting afternoon, in summary.

the past few days I've been working at my part-time job at Burrito Jax (which, fortunately and despite the similar names, is nothing at all like Taco Bell. as in it is healthy and delicious). it's not a bad job at all, even though I only get about two shifts a week. need a real job now, please.

but something semi-exciting happened! I may have mentioned here before that I love this band from my home province called Hey Rosetta! well, my second day at Burrito Jax, guess who walks in? the whole stinking band. that's right. I was a total dweeb and really happy. they're recording here in Hali. AND they all came in again the next day, and said they'll be back often. I made burritos for Hey Rosetta!

awesomeness. maybe we'll become best friends. maybe they'll ask me to be in their band. or maybe I'll get to tour with them and write about it a la Almost Famous.

well, back to today. not so exciting. bad weather and nothing to do.

I tried to take some photos of my very understated ensemble today, but it's raining out and the indoor pictures never come out as you'd like them to. nonetheless I have a couple for your keen eyes, and some from yesterday, which was a much sunnier and more productive day.

dress- Smart Set
blazer- Paper Doll, fr. Envy
tights- Smart Set
shoes- random store in England

I'm bustin' out my old Smart Set dresses! I love these (the other one is the blue one from two posts ago) they're so easy to wear and style. 

I'm really liking blazers lately, too. I got this one after lent on sale, and I feel like it goes with everything. only with the sleeves pushed up though. obviously. I just feel so much "cooler" in a long blazer.

shirt- vintage fr. Cricket Capers on Etsy
jeans- Seduction fr. Sirens

I'm actually not wearing this anymore, haha. I changed my shirt because it felt a little too "office secretary" for a day of doing laundry and sitting on the couch. you can't really see the boots here, but they jazz up any outfit anyways. so if I do end up leaving the apartment when Brando gets home I won't feel completely unpresentable. 

now, I'm going to go try and find my pudding recipe. yes I will bake a pudding and the day will seem sunnier. that's what pudding does. 


playing: King of Queens on tv


Unknown said...

ohhhh can we make pudding together?! i wish. could use some comfort food such as that right now!
also, the window light in the jeans and polka dots outfit looks amazing.

love you.

Second Skin said...

That jacket is SO amazing! Wow! And those boots you inquired about are a size 6.5! Tiny little buggers!

tess said...

why is it that bands like burritos so much? lucky you!

E said...

adorable dress! and I'm in love with that polka dot top!! :)


Tieka, Selective Potential said...

Oooh, soo cute dress! love it! How awesome about the band! :)

Jen Hsieh said...

that dress is simply gorgeous! and i've been wanting a polka-dotted blouse with a neck tie for ages! i'm insanely jealous :)

and yay for meeting one of your favorite bands!! that's so awesome!

Viv said...

cute outfits! I totally want that blazer, very jealous ;)


I am Khatu said...

love the blazer and the polka dotted shirt.