whadya want from me?

oops! I forgot to update yesterday! my bad. I've got to get back in swing of daily posting now that I have my camera back (and admittedly a lot of time on my hands.)

anyways I'll show you yesterday's outfit and save today's for later, cause I'm working my part-time job for the next three days and fashion will be a little light. I'm supposed to wear jeans and a t-shirt to work. funnn.

dress- Smart Set
cardigan- Zara
tights- Ardene
necklace- Postlapsaria
socks- gift
shoes- Modcloth

yesterday was a lazy day, but we planned on going out later in the evening, so I put this outfit together- comfy and easy, but nice enough for people to see me in! 

I've had this dress for a few years and I always feel good when I wear it. I wore the socks around the apartment, and I thought they looked cute with my new Shelly's London boots! how adorable are they? I couldn't resist the colour and cut-out stars.

I also tried to tied the socks into the outfit- at least colour wise- with my new cute necklace courtesy of Keiko Lynn (I bought a top from her shop Postlapsaria). you can't see it that well in the photos cause it was kinda windy, but it's just a couple layers of lace on a chain. I don't know if I'm wearing it right, but I think it's so cool!

so that's yesterday. we went out to watch the hockey game with friends... grrr. Habs lost. I get so invested in playoff hockey. I've been watching games almost every day and I just REALLY want my team to WIN for once! not even the Cup..that's reaching a little high... but A ROUND. somethin'. 

...yeahhh hockey probably isn't the most reader-friendly subject for a fashion blog, so I'll stop right there. 

basically of late my life consists of the playoffs and Robert Downey Jr. movies. it's been good so far, but I think I may be on the dangerous path to stalkerdom. I'll let you know how that goes.

playing: Elton John- I Want Love (props to anyone who can link that to the post)


Laura said...

I feel you Sarah (RE: Habs).
I'm ready for them to win something too! The first game looked half promising, but I've learned to protect myself by not getting my hopes up!

Well, at least they made the playoffs though. That counts for something! :)

Sarah said...

Such a cute look. I ADORE those boots. Great color and so cool with the little star and heart cutouts!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. You could use a little better lighting

E said...

this outfit is cuteness overload!:)


DarlingV said...

Lovely darling, and those shoes are adorable!