some people call me maurice they don't.

just a quickie before bed. 
...that's what she said?

skirt- Kensie
belt- H&M
pink top- Monteau 
shoes- Dolls fr. Solestruck

my sunny day outfit from yesterday (I was stuck in jeans and a tee today). it was so warm out, I couldn't avoid it any longer- time to bust out the bare legs. 

I dunno, I kinda hate it. does anyone else strongly dislike knees? I just don't like bare legs in general. and I'm not one of those skinny girls who's legs never touch, so I don't like when my thighs rub together. ick. is that too much personal info? 

anyway I just wore spandex shorts under the skirt haha. it's a little too big for me so I tried pulling it up and belting it; which I think looks really cool, but keeping it there is a whole other matter. 

oh and these are my wedges that I got a while back! I was itching for a pair of white shoes, and these were just too perfect. I love them. but they don't love me back... I have really bad blisters today. 

another reason to go with tights!

tomorrow I might wear a skirt to work and see how it goes...

playing: The Joker- Steve Miller Band


Kate said...

those shoes are adorable! love them!

KV said...

wow, the shoes are actually something i've been looking for for ages! only in black XO