hello, I love you

hey all!

a quick update, in point form. just 'cause.

- I'm back in Hali. so happy to see Brando again. not so happy to leave my best friends. you win some, you lose some.
- I get my camera back tomorrow!
- I am so, so, soooo tired.
- Kick-Ass is a kick ass movie. love it. coolest freaking fight scenes ever.
- out of boredom (and well...obviously other reasons) I have kind of developed an obsession with this guy;

- also, Annie over at Time Enough for Drums is having a giveaway! it's the cutest hat, so go check it out, and her blog too while you're at it! full disclosure; there is a little shameless self servitude in this advertisement, since I get an extra entry for telling you about it, haha. we learned about transparency in j-school ethics. 

more tomorrow, when I can see straight and possibly (!) have outfit photos. 

playing: Black Cadillacs- Modest Mouse

1 comment:

AlixDarling said...

im obsessed as well. and sadly, it was a bad kinda weird. but im good now