the littlest birds sing the prettiest songs

soooo I told you I liked asymmetrical hems. here is another one!

I really enjoy this skirt. yup. that's pretty much all I have to say about it.
I find it unusually challenging to make outfits out of separates. I always feel like it looks too busy. I mean, I like this outfit... but honestly that's because it's what I had in mind when I was buying the skirt.

I think for the most part I'll just stick to dresses. it's nice to mix it up, but you can't compete with true love.

skirt- primark // tights, bodysuit + lace bodysuit- american apparel // cardigan- h&m // shoes- no idea!

Brando and I took these photos outside of Marischal College, which is the second-largest granite structure in the world. keep that in mind for trivia night. it also happens to be where one must go to sort out their council tax for the third time. 

these people keep trying to take my money. 

anywho! I'm having a hard time focusing today, so I think I'll just cut it short here. I'm on a bit of an Office kick again, so I'll probably watch some more of that, then do some reading before bed. I can't wait for this week to be over. it feels so long!

oh, and I also made some changes to my blog template. check it out! 
good night. ♥

playing: getcha good- Jenn Grant


Little Tree Vintage said...

gorgeous! you look beautiful in that color scheme :)

Unknown said...

That cardigan is so cute with the bird print on it. I really love your heels and the high-low skirt too.