dust in the wind...

where oh where has October gone?!
(there's a Green Day joke in there somewhere, but I'm over that. ;o)

I've been so contentedly busy that I can't believe how quickly the days fly by and how the month is almost over.

my good friend Tony came to visit from home this weekend! it was so exciting, and I miss him already. I loved having him here to hang out, play nintendo, watch movies, and general familiar merriment. but the visit also made me miss home even more. it's weird, I'm usually not one for homesickness, but I miss my friends. it's harder making friends than I remembered, and I've left so many amazing ones at home! everyone talks about how hard it is to leave highschool, but I've made the best friends of my life in university and no one tells you how hard it is to leave them!

Tony was my room mate for three years, and I miss having his friendly face just a staircase away. :o)
we didn't take any photos this weekend, but this is us on our Cape Spear excursion before I moved- it's the most Eastern point in North America.

well, on top of that, I've been working on two Halloween-related stories for the Commoner; one is about the religious aspects of Halloween and the other is a column about last-minute costume ideas. which mine will evidently be, since Halloween's this weekend (!). I thought it would be a fun way to mix my fashion blogging habits into my day job, haha.

this is my way of leading into saying that I haven't exactly done the 50s research yet, but tomorrow, I promise! and I do have a huge amount of photos for you to make up for it.

dress- fr. pseudio
long sleeve tee- costco
grey tights- ardene's
fishnets- charlotte russe
boots- spring
necklace (below)- modcloth
jacket- primark
scarf- american eagle
gloves- h&m

this dress is actually a really light pink. I loveee my Audrey necklace- and it opens into a pocket watch! so cute. 
I dressed up to face the outdoor weather and I thought it was a pretty cute outfit itself, so I included it...I just bought these long gloves the other day, and I love them! I've always wanted a pair, and they go great with short-sleeved jackets and coats.

now, secondly, I have my outfit from saturday. I took some photos, but they turned out horrible. so I recreated the outfit exactly and took more today. :o)

dress- vintage fr. postlapsaria
cardigan- zara 
tights- we love colors
shoes (below)- vintage fr. pineapplemint on etsy
headband- diy ribbon

I wore this gorgeous dress last sunday, but I didn't really like how I styled it. so I tried again, and I think the bright tights and adorable vintage shoes make it pop.

I am loving these! a great find.

so after bombarding you with pictures, I should stop ignoring my boyfriend and possibly do some more writing.
hope your weekends were as good as mine.
so long!

1 comment:

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Both dresses are great--the stripe one is wonderfully unique.