you look like me on sunday

hello, all!
err,  hello few. I suppose that's more appropriate.

so. it's been a busy weekend, but not much to report. I've been watching a lot of CSI- my passion has been renewed by countless marathons while blogging and such. I wrote some stories, and made macaroni and cheese. I went to church this morning. I bought more tickets I can't afford to see some excellent live music. it's life as usual for me!

sunday morning outfit as follows;

sweater- Christmas present
dress- postlapsaria
boots- charlotte russe
earrings (below)- le chateau

for some reason I really don't like this picture of myself, but you can see the pretty dress. I got it from Keiko Lynn's shop, she has gorgeous dresses. and her blog is great too- I love the photos. this is an example of the awesome finds I get from other bloggers!

so earlier today I caught the end of Mona Lisa Smile. it's not exactly a thrilling watch, but it's set in the 50s and, consequently, has great 50s clothes. it got me thinking about eras of fashion, and how I really only know two- 20s and 50s. I can't really distinguish between the rest. so- in an attempt at self-education and well.. for fun, I thought I'd go through the decades and see what I like about them.

I decided to start with the 20s for two reasons; one, everything before that was kind of staunch and formal and doesn't translate that well to modern wear. two, the 20s are generally recognized as the decade that introduced fashion and glamour to the everyday, and when things started getting fun and flirty!

I always loved the idea of the 20s. the music, the nightlife, the sparkles- it was a time called 'roaring', after all. it sounds so exciting! and all the mobster stuff, and the woman's movement, and of course the style.

the 20s look (for women) is flirty, fun, and youthful- all things I like about it. a few things that categorize the decade's fashion:
- drop waist dresses
- fringed flapper dresses
- pleats
- flounciness (which mac book says is not a word, but screw that!)
- loose fit
- straight lines; like sheath dresses, wrap coats, long suit blazers
- mary janes
- cloche hats
- gloves

and I love all these things! I especially loved Angelina Jolie's costume wardrobe in Changeling. and her short, wavy hair, and red lips are characteristic of the time too. I've never been a big fan of hers, but she looked beautiful.

also. I'm a little obsessed with the musical Chicago. it's not exactly a runway show of 20s fashion, but the style and flair is there. the hair and the sparkles- that's the best part.

I think the 20s is my favourite fashion era. and the loose fits and slowing fabrics suit a bootylicious gal like me. plus, red lips, great hats, and shoes that are easy to walk in- perfection.

see? how fantastic does she look? I'd totally wear this today, fab boots and all.

and that is my overview of 20s style and why it's awesome. :o)


Wild as a Mink said...

The 20's are gorgeous! Who doesn't love a cloche hat????? Bobs, ankles showing, cloche hats, feathers, fringe, excess, JAY GATSBY!!! (seriously-see the old movie version of The Great Gatsby, you'll swoon for a young Robert Redford! Oh and the friend, Jordan Baker, she's the coolest)....the bees' knees!!!!
Thanks for becoming a recent follower on my blog!

Sarah K. said...

my pleasure!