go slow, I fall behind

my word, haven't I been slacking off the blog lately!
I have good excuses, I promise. newspaper business and all.
so let's get right to it- yesterday's outfit, as I was unfortunately otherwise engaged at the end of the day.

dress- old navy
cardigan- forever21
belt- chinese laundry fr. envy
tights- joe fresh
shoes- vintage fr. pineapplemint 

I just couldn't wait to wear these shoes again!
I really like this outfit. I felt comfy and feminine, which is always a good feeling.

I'll post today's outfit later, as I haven't taken the pictures just yet.
but for now, it's finally time to move on to fashion in the 50s!

the 50s seems to be everyone's favourite fashion decade, and really, what's not to love? hourglass figures, pretty florals, and bright colours make any fashion junkie happy. the whole image was about cheery, wholesome, happy women.
typical 50s style includes:
- an hourglass silhouette
- full skirts
- pearls!
- feminine touches and tailoring
- belts at the waist
- bolero jackets
- short hair, or bouffant styles
- prints

most of you probably know that already. of course my favourite example of 50s style is from one of my favourite addictions- Pushing Daisies. Chuck always looks beautiful and ladylike, and while the show isn't set in the 50s, she definitely has a vintage flair.

ugh. I'm so jealous. I love how she looks every episode.
what I love best about 50s clothing is most definitely the flattering day dresses that make every girl look like a polished lady. there are more pop-culture examples, like Mona Lisa Smile, or Coco Avant Chanel (which I'm dying to see, by the way), but screen shots are sometimes harder to find than you'd think.
so I found a couple miscellaneous cuties. :o)

they look so soft and pretty.
I must admit, the hype over 50s dress is totally well-deserved. it's iconic glamour. 'nuff said.

...and 'nuff said from me! I'm off to bed.
I can't believe wednesday's over already!


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