look at this stuff, isn't it neat?

hey all!
it's friday. and I have favourite things. so I guess that means it's time for friday favourites!

1. I normally keep my recipes scribbled in little notebooks or just keep pinterest open. this seems like a much cuter option. //Little Low.

2. the most adorable spring dresses! checkered prints and watermelon hues. //Modcloth.

3. I have to start deciding which fantastic quotes I want to put on my body, and which ones I want to put on my wall. I think this one is better suited my living room than my forearm...(randomly found it on pinterest, don't know where it's from! but it's perfect!)

4. I don't currently wear brooches, but there are some perfectly darling ones that are making me want to start! I fell in love with this heart pin when I saw it on The Clothes Horse. the shop even has matching earrings! //Les Mirettes.

5. every vintage lover needs the perfect pink dress. this is one for me. //Gogo Vintage.

6. I'm a big fan of cutesy cards; I like that they're a sentiment you can frame. can't go wrong with kitty cats and anatomical hearts! //Little Low.

7. I still haven't committed to a laptop case; I just keep finding more that I like! //Kushn, Botene, Esplanade London.

8. how have I not discovered luna moths till now?? they're so tragically beautiful. so luna moths make the list of my favourite things. no, I didn't just include them because I wanted to make the list an even 10, I don't know what you're talking about...

9. I did a Buzzfeed quiz that said I should cut my hair in a short bob. gotta tell ya, these cute cuts are making me consider it. //Buzzfeed: what haircut should you actually have?

10. as a confessed fast food addict... and someone with feet... I need these socks. //Modcloth.

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