my heart's desire

friday favourites time!
here's what my heart desires this week...

1. I really want to try charcoal skin products; they're supposed to be wicked good for deep cleaning & problem skin types. this gift set is all-natural and features other must-try items- not to mention the aesthetic appeal! //Herbivore Botanicals. 

2. suffice to say I NEED this Whovian jewellery box... //Modcloth.

3. ...and something pretty to put in it. definitely down with this lovely lilac statement piece. //Belle Accessories.

4. ring ring ring ring, BANANAPHONEEEE. this. is. amazing. //Modcloth.

5. why yes, I am in need of a perfect red skirt. what a coincidence! //Urban Outfitters.

6. sweet & useful vintage canisters to spruce up what's sure to be a tiny kitchen. //86 Home.

7. I just surrendered several pairs of shoes to the "can't take them all" moving gods. I've already got my eye on some replacements... namely, the quintessential pair of saddle shoes & pretty pink spring heels. //Shoe the Bear, Ruche.

8. more adorable home decor, in cuddly form. I think my nesting instincts have kicked in before I even have a nest. //Three Bad Seeds.

9. ever since I saw a picture of Khloe Kardashian rocking a jumpsuit (pic below!)- yes, you read that correctly, "Khloe" & "rocking"- I've kinda loved the idea of a sleek, monochrome onesie. of course I could only find black in any semblance of a price range, but it'll do until I become a socialite. //1&2 Topshop, 3 Asos.  

10. and finally... Firefly. because, Firefly. how can you not love Firefly? I need more Firefly.


Unknown said...

Yeah I'm going to need that Firefly poster in my life. Such an awesome show!

Unknown said...

How did it only last one season!

Ali Hval said...

Those suede oxfords are to die for! Good taste, lady. :)