maybe we don't wanna be found

I feel like such a bad blogger lately. I can't come up with any new ideas, it seems I never get around to outfit photos, and when I do they don't turn out the way I want. 

I want to blame the bad weather and the living out of a suitcase and the poor photo conditions, but really it's a lack of inspiration. I'm not feeling it. I don't really want to be in front of a camera, I don't really want to dress up. I keep reading other blogs where people look amazing and have beautiful photos and interesting things to say, and I feel kind of lost. 
not in a sad way! just in a kind of bewildered rut. 

so I guess that is my convoluted way of introducing my latest outfit post. 
if I've lowered your expectations at all it can only serve me well. 

dress- gift // sweater- Ego // hat- Primark // boots- Sam Edelman via Modcloth

it hasn't helped matters that my hair has been... kind of a little bitch lately. why does winter hate hair? DON'T I HAVE ENOUGH TO DEAL WITH, WINTER? curse you. 

thank goodness for adorable hats.

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