can't hold it back anymore

it's friday favourites time!
every week I feel like "uh oh, I don't like enough new things this week!"
then I remember that stuff is awesome, and I find many many things.
and we all win!

 1. I'm always pining over Modcloth dresses; these are the newest additions on a long list of fanciful frocks that I'm dying over. lobsters and vintage florals and watercolours, oh my! //Modcloth.

2. I don't usually have much use for knick knacks, but this one is so beautiful! //Entomology 101

3. I've really enjoyed prettying my finger nails lately. I need more colours! //American Apparel.

4. why yes, I do! // the Gold Banana

5. not sure if I've mentioned this, but it's cold here. I need more adorable, cozy hats. //Urban Outfitters.

6. this vintage dress is so perfect for spring. someone go buy it and wear it well, because it's not my size! //Zwzzy.

7. fringe fringe fringe! this bag is so amazing. //Modcloth.

8. as someone who is currently unemployed, I can tell you my pjs are my life. there is nothing better than a comfy, cute pair of pjs. I already have this first set, and they are by far the most amazing pjs ever. I love these stretchy, soft matching sets. and the pink pair? they have a pickle pattern. hello, NEED. //La Senza, Victoria's Secret, Modcloth.

9. gotta love a snazzy umbrella! especially one with pompoms and a nod to How I Met Your Mother. //American Apparel.

10. if you haven't seen Frozen yet, I wanna say that you should... because it's the most perfect film experience EVER. but on the other hand, if you do watch it, you will never stop. so, your call. 

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