ain't no sunshine...

holla holla!

see now this is two days in a row. I'm doing a'ight.
here are some sunshiney pictures from last week to brighten a decidedly un-sunshiney day. in all aspects; it poured rain all day and I have acquired a very grim outlook on my birthday week. I don't want to be a whiner... but I have to work all weekend and I don't have anyone to celebrate with and it's just turning out to be kind of a downer.

anyways. tomorrow I'm going shopping with a friend and getting a hair cut tomorrow so that might be all the sunshine I need for now. :)

skirt- Costa Blanca
shirt- American Eagle, gift 
shoes- H&M
sunglasses- street vendor in Paris
earrings- RW&Co.

my favourite thing about this outfit is it is so comfy. the skirt I bought a couple weeks ago and is stretchy and fits me like a glove. the top is your standard casual button down so it's pretty comfy too, and I love all the colours. one thing I don't have enough of for summer is pretty tops. the wedges are definitely easy to walk in (although honestly I changed into flats for a walk to the park after...) and they are the greatest colour!

I enjoyed the warm weather while I could. wish I could have some of it back! I need a little pick-me-up from mother nature. 


playing; Glee ( I know how gleeky)

1 comment:

Kyla said...

I love this! Those shoes are so cute with the plaid. Perfect!