this is our decision to live fast and die young

hello, all!

it's been a few days again. my birthday turned out to be very fun; I don't know what I was worried about, I know good people. ;o) I even got a mini-surprise party! we had pizza and drinks and played rock band and it was a great time. Brandon gave me an adorable dress which I'm sure you'll be seeing soon enough. and I got ice cream cup cakes! a day full of lovely things.

before you get to see my new dress, here's the outfit I wore to see Sex and the City 2! (I know, very late..) I tried to combine sophisticated and sparkly. no easy feat, for me anyways!

(the pictures are kinda bad, but it was raining out and I like the outfit. the lady at the bakery said it was cute!)

skirt- Lush, fr. Envy
shirt- vintage fr. Cricket Capers on Etsy
blazer- gift fr. mom
leggings- Seduction fr. Sirens
booties- Forever 21

well I would say a little more but it's very late and I need to stop watching tv movies. tomorrow I'll have a little more to say, and my first product review! so check back. 


playing: Time to Pretend- MGMT


Bella Luna said...

I love your jacket! It is fab!!!


Jen Hsieh said...

that blouse is so gorgeous and i love the tie neck! what a perfect outfit to watch SATC2 in! and happy belated birthday. i hope you had fun celebrating!! :)