she's got a ticket to ride

hello again, friends!

just a quick outfit post before I'm off to my final sewing class. remember a while back I mentioned I was taking a sewing class at the local arts university? yeah, that one. it's just introduction to sewing techniques, and I was supposed to take tailoring later, but, well, I'm moving!

anyways I'm ALMOST through the stock outfit pictures from last week. then I'll be all caught up and back to regular, chronological posting again. :o)

skirt- Modcloth
top- Gap
tights- We Love Colors
booties- Primark

I wore this the day I got my haircut. I remember specifically because the male reception told me he liked my style (and according to him, he works in fashion retail, so he should know!) I thought it was very nice of him to say. it was a very nice spring outfit, if I do say so myself. I love the colours. and these pale pink tights have got to be my new favourites! (although at the end of the day I somehow wound up with like, five holes in this pair! darn it. a new we love colors purchase is in order.)

anyway I gotta run! time to catch the bus. 


Unknown said...

I love this outfit, that skirt is adorable :)

Jen Hsieh said...

this is such a sweet look with the white blouse and the floral skirt :)
i love it when strangers compliment my style!

Sonya said...

I have been dying to get some booties but its wayyyy too hot over here to wear them! Love them with your outfit though.