I got the wanderin' blues

(via Tumblr)

I am in love with this photo

I have a serious case of wanderlust right now. not just to get out of Halifax, but to go someplace new.

I have this dream of getting a volkswagon van with curtains in the windows and driving all the way across the States and back up through Canada. I would totally ditch work for two months and do it.

but of course my imagination isn't limited to North America.
here are some places I'm longing to see...

Mayan ruins in Mexico


boat tours in Greece

California- all of it!

the Grand Canyon

rural Japan

hike in Machu Picchu

but for now it's just nova scotia... and it's been raining quite frequently. so here are some not-so-epic pictures of indoors!

dress- vintage fr. Calivintage on Etsy
shoes- Jeffrey Campbell fr. Modcloth
jacket- Primark

just a side note, but some of the photos I have left to post are pre-haircut, so they might jump from scraggly haired and side-banged to full fringe. so ya know.

last time I wore this dress I felt like something was off in how I styled it. this time I took a bit more of a cue from its previous owner and went for light tights and snazzy heels. I also put my hair up because I feel like it makes collars look better. and I like the outfit much better this time! I know style blogs are a lot about remixing and experimenting with your wardrobe, but sometimes you just gotta stick with what works!

on another side note... is anyone else bored with the selection of tops around this spring? maybe it's just the Halifax stores, but I swear I can't find any tops or shirts that I like! I just want something with pattern that doesn't have spaghetti straps and isn't $60! is that so much to ask? 

modcloth has a few I like, but after shipping and exchange rates and taxes... I'm trying to cut out online shopping. plus, I love the feeling of walking out of a store with a nicely wrapped purchase, ready to wear! (although I must admit, Etsy is my official weakness...)

anyways. I have enough dresses to get me through the summer sans-tops. so no biggie I guess. 

playing: Happier- A Fine Frenzy


DarlingV said...

Gosh I love that dress! I have wonderlust to and sometimes it eats you alive lol. I'd love to see the Mayan ruins a lot of the places you listed and SO MANY MORE.

E said...

love that dress! the collar is darling! and I want to visit Greece too, and rural Japan :)

Kara said...

This is such a cute dress! I love the colour and style!
And is it terrible for me to say that all I want to do is get out of southern Ontario and visit Nova Scotia?? haha. I so badly want to take a trip East in August and I love Nova Scotia! :)


Kyla said...

I've been craving some pretty tops lately, too! Everything is tank tops, which I love, but I need some nice sleeveless blouses that are more appropriate for work. Let me know if you find anything good!