give thanks

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, all!

Brando and I celebrated yesterday with new & lovely New York friends, and we of course taught them the ways of the real Thanksgiving. 

if you're wondering about the differences between the Canadian and the American holidays, there aren't many. "feasts of thanks" have been documented in Canada since around 1578, so I like to say it predates American Thanksgiving... but really it wasn't a consistent holiday till 1879. also the Americans brought the turkeys and pumpkins, and that's pretty important. 
blah blah blah, if you want to know more, check out the Wikipedia article.

we all just had a traditional Newfie-style turkey dinner, and that was hella good. we were all super thankful.

EDIT: an American friend also shared this with me, which is a less boring description of the Canadian version.

dress- J.Crew // gold belt- Smart Set // flower crown- H&M // boots- Seychelles via Modcloth

on this day of thanks, I want to express my gratitude for; favourite dresses, new boots, and outfits that make you feel happy in your own skin! 
that's this one.

I got this dress last summer at a J. Crew mega-sale (how else could I afford J. Crew?) and it's been a favourite of mine ever since. it's funny that it hasn't shown up on the blog till now! I love how it fits, that it's neutral but still interesting, and the sturdy fabric. it's kind of my go-to when I'm feeling self-conscious or icky. 
and these boots! day-ummm, I love these boots! if you ever look at my wish lists you know that I've been drooling over these for months. now that it's autumn and I can justify a new pair of boots, I took advantage of the recent Modcloth 20% off sale and went for it. I am so happy I did; they are super gorgeous, the perfect colour, and comfortable. definitely on pace to rise in the ranks with this dress. 

so yes, I'm thankful for these things... but in all seriousness, it's hard for me to try and list all the things I have to be grateful for. these past couple years have been anything but easy for me and the hubby, but I have so many blessings that outweigh all the troubles. of course I'm thankful for a loving, supportive family, the best friends in the entire space-time continuum (the highest friendship ranking), and a husband that snuggles me and makes me coffee everyday. I'm  also thankful that I get the chance to live in this amazing city. and for my kitty cat, and for netflix, and for Joss Whedon, and for pizza. and musicals and the Chilli Peppers and red wine and bold bbq doritos... too many things. I'm so glad to live a life full of these wonderful, happy-making things. 

so happy Thanksgiving, again! I wish you all many happy-making things. ♥

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