talking trash with your red liquor lips

October is here and autumn is well underway, but I'm sticking with sundresses as long as I possibly can. the weather lately seems fairly happy to oblige, so I thought it a nice time to break out this cute little vintage number before it gets too cold for bare arms. it reminds me of confetti and little girl birthday parties! so naturally I thought to wear it for my busy day of New Girl-watching and grocery shopping. 

sometimes a girl needs a little glam in her daily errands.

dress, bag, & sunglasses- vintage // shoes- Modcloth // belt- Smart Set

the best accessories for any vintage dress? why a beehive and red lippy, of course! I also threw in my latest Broolyn Flea finds (I am getting so addicted to that place); cats eye sunglasses and a white bag.  the glasses were kind of a purchase of necessity- I forgot my sunglasses- while the bag was a little more exciting (for me, probably not so much for you. why would you care if I got a new bag? you wouldn't. if you do that's very sweet.). I've had an eye out for a neutral purse for a while now, and I've also kind of got this thing for chain straps that probably stems from my deep desire to own Chanel. anyway, this little beauty was only $20 so I snapped that up good 'n quick! I'm quite pleased with myself. 


all in all I think the look came out as sort of 80s-does-50s. which is a lot like life, isn't it? 
...I mean it probably is, but I'm not sure how. I'm just not coming up with a solid way to end this post.  is life just a mixture of one era emulating another, a swirl of colours and textures out of date and out of time? trying to form some semblance of cohesiveness in the bigger picture?

you guys should know better than to listen to me. especially when it's late and I've been watching animal trainers on talk shows all night. it starts out educational, then it's just about seeing a lemur maul Conan O'Brien. 
I should go now... 
happy weekend! ♥


J said...

Super cute dress!! I love the color on you!


ModernVintageStyle said...

This is a gorgeous dress and you have put together just the right vintage accents. Fab hair as well! Kx

CiCi said...

This dress is beautiful - I absolutely love the neckline. You never see necklines like this these days and it's such a shame! A beehive and red lips is basically my uniform, so I totally agree they're awesome accessories ;) CC x