electric avenue

folks, the wait is over. you finally get to see my new haircut.
this is a big day for all of us.

I quite like it, myself. my long hair was so dull and damaged that I really needed a change. it's not like I went wild or anything- I mean, bangs, oooh, so original!- but my hair feels a lot fuller and a lot nicer and now I don't have to waste makeup on my forehead. win-win!

top- American Apparel // skirt- Asos // shoes- Jeffrey Campbell via Modcloth // bag- some closing sale in Williamsburg

this outfit feels very electric to me. not just because of the obvious electric blue, either. it's the silver-capped heels and clashing accessory colours and the crazy abstract cats. it feels kind of 80s, and I love it. this might be the only outfit I have that is almost "go to the club" appropriate. is it? I have no idea, I don't go to the club. 
can you tell?
but it's a very fun outfit to wear other places, too. I wore it to the grocery store, and to eat pizza. that's like my version of going to a club. 


I think this might be my last day without a jacket for a while. since it's much colder at home this time of year, I've been basking in this strange, new, warm-ish type autumn. but now the temperatures are pretty consistently cool and there's a general nip in the air, so I think it's time to give up bare arms and embrace the true season. I even have a pumpkin-coloured purse to mark the occasion!

it's good timing anyhow, with tomorrow being Canadian Thanksgiving. I guess technically today is Thanksgiving too, but tomorrow we're having turkey dinner. it's my first seasonal occasion. and you know how it is once I start with the autumn holidays; obviously that means it's time to get excited for a certain Mass of the Christ variety...

yes, I'm going to be that person. you should know me by now.

but, right now it's all about Thanksgiving. yay autumn! 

1 comment:

ModernVintageStyle said...

Great hair - it really suits you! Kx