when I'm not myself

the past few days I've been struggling with my self-confidence again, particularly when it comes to blog stuff. I feel so blah, so uninspired. and this constantly-looking-at-pictures-of-yourself-to-put-on-the-internet is always kind of a downer. sometimes, no matter what you wear, you just don't feel blog-worthy. sometimes getting outfit photos is incredibly awkward, and it translates into the pictures.

for example... little tip for ya, speaking from experience; don't do a photo shoot in the middle of Union Square on a saturday!  

oh well. when in doubt, wear a puppy dress! that's a saying, right? it should be.

dress- Modcloth // sweater- thrifted // tights- HUE // boots- Aldo (a couple years ago) // bag- Guess, gift

I may not have felt like a ball of sunshine during this little shoot, but that's hardly the outfit's fault. I'm actually quite comfortable in it! the boots are fun and cozy, and the belted cardi-dress combo is an old staple. if anything, this look should make me feel more confident. after all, who could look at those sweet puppy faces and not smile?

do any of you have an outfit that you love to wear, but doesn't seem to photograph well?  


J said...

You look cute in this outfit, good for you for taking photos in public. I am way too scared to do that!


Unknown said...

You might have felt awkward, but it doesn't show! It's like the few pictures I took at Middle Cove Beach at the end of summer... It was overcast and a bit chilly so we weren't expecting anyone there, yet there were SO MANY PEOPLE having fires. Kept going anyway! At least in NYC anything can happen and it's accepted as normal.

And I love your eyes in that shot of you up close.


ModernVintageStyle said...

I can honestly say that I can see no awkwardness whatsoever in these photos - the first one especially makes you look so relaxed and at ease. Since I have nothing to show, I hugely admire all bloggers who show us their style, but yours is always particularly inspirational because of the way you bring items and colours together I would never have thought of. I have no idea how I would style your puppy dress, but I love the way you have done it with the earthy blues and the suede boots. Gorgeous! Karen x

Sarah K. said...

thanks, you guys!
your kind words & encouragement are so appreciated! makes me feel all warm 'n fuzzy and happy to be a blogger. <3
you're all beautiful humans!