hello again

long time no see, blogger!

I know, I know, shame on me... but you see the reason I didn't post outfits for monday and tuesday is because I never got dressed! I didn't have to leave my house at all and so spent all day in my pyjamas. this journalism gig might not be so bad after all...

today, however, I am wearing real clothes.

sweater- topshop
skirt- gap
tights- ardene's
boots- primark
headband- splurge

I love this asymmetrical sweater, and I was trying to think of something more fun to wear it with than jeans. I thought this gap skirt was simple enough to complement the bright orange busy-ness, but cute enough to not be boring. 
and my bangs were horrendous this morning, so the headband was just a necessity!

tomorrow I get back on track with my fashion through the decades! next stop, the 60s! another goody.

also, I would just like to note how extremely pissed I am that I can't go to the City in Colour concert. GRR. there are NO TWO seats left together in the whole auditorium. what am I supposed to do, go alone? that'll ruin it! don't you think?
I'm terribly upset, I'd love to go. Dallas Green is super talented.

just a thought. :o)

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